Recent Articles in Human Resource Department Management Libraries

FLSA - Accrued PTO at Termination of Employment - ALERT
FLSA - Administrative Exemption Employees - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Blue Collar Worker Exemption - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Break Time for Nursing Mothers - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Compensation - Jury Duty, Military Leave, Witness Leave - ALERT
FLSA - Compensatory Time - ALERT
FLSA - De Minimis Time - ALERT
FLSA - Deductions from Wages for Uniforms - FACT SHEET
FLSA - EMT's and Paramedics - Overtime Pay - ALERT
FLSA - Executive Exemption - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Exemptions - ALL - FACT SHEET
FLSA - First Responders Exemption - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Fluctuating Workweek Method - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Furloughs and Other Reductions in Pay - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Garnishment Law - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Healthcare Industry and Calculating Overtime Pay - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Healthcare Industry and Hours Worked - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Highly Compensated Workers - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Hours Worked - General - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Inclement Weather and Pay Issues - ALERT
FLSA - Insurance Agency Employees - ALERT
FLSA - Lectures - Meetings - Training Programs - ALERT
FLSA - Minimum Wage - ALERT
FLSA - Motor Carrier Exemption - ALERT
FLSA - Motor Carrier Exemption - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Non-Discretionary Bonuses and Incentive Payments - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Non-Profits - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Nurses and Overtime Pay - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Off Duty Waiting Time - ALERT
FLSA - On Duty Waiting Time - ALERT
FLSA - On-Call Time - ALERT
FLSA - Outside Sales Exemption - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Overtime - Blended Overtime Pay Rates - ALERT
FLSA - Overtime - Calculation in the Health Care Industry - ALERT
FLSA - Overtime and Non-Profits - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Overtime and Non-Profits - Guidance - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Overtime Bonuses and Perks - ALERT
FLSA - Overtime Pay - Basics - ALERT
FLSA - Overtime Pay - Half-time - ALERT
FLSA - Overtime Pay - Piecework - ALERT
FLSA - Overtime Pay - Salaried NOT Exempt from Overtime - ALERT
FLSA - Overtime Pay Requirements - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Polygraph Protection Act - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Professional Exemption - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Recordkeeping Requirements - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Regular Rate Exclusions - ALERT
FLSA - Regular Rate of Pay Overview - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Salary Basis Requirement - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Sleeping Time - Fire Protection and Law Enforcement Employees - ALERT
FLSA - Sleeping Time - FT and PT Relief for Community Centers - ALERT
FLSA - Sleeping Time - Residing on the Employer's Premises - ALERT
FLSA - Sleeping Time Length of Shift - ALERT
FLSA - Technologists and Technicians Exemption - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Timekeeping - Rounding Hours - ALERT
FLSA - Tipped Employees - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Travel Time - Home to Work and Return - Commuting - ALERT
FLSA - Travel Time - Home to Work and Return - Employer's Vehicle - ALERT
FLSA - Travel Time - Special One-Day Assignment - ALERT
FLSA - Travel Time - Travel All in a Day's Work - ALERT
FLSA - Travel Time - Travel Time Away from Home Community Overnight - ALERT
FLSA - Travel Time - Work Performed While Traveling - ALERT
FLSA - Travel Time Pay - ALERT
FLSA - Veterans Exemption - FACT SHEET
FLSA - Volunteers and the FLSA - ALERT
FLSA - Youth Minimum Wage - FACT SHEET
FMCSA - Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse - FACT SHEET
FMLA - Employers with 50 or More Employees - ALERT OVERVIEW
FMLA - FORM - Certification for Military Leave - WH-384 - Exp. 2021
FMLA - FORM - Certification for Serious Injury - Servicemember - WH-385 - Exp. 2021
FMLA - FORM - Veteran or Military Caregiver Leave - WH385V - Exp. 2021
FMLA - FORM - WH-381 - Notice of Eligibility and Rights - exp. 2023
FMLA - FORM - WH-382 - Designation Notice - exp. 2023
FMLA - FORM - WH380-E - Certification - Employee Serious Health Condition - exp. 2023
FMLA - FORM - WH380-F - Certification - Family Member Serious Health Condition - exp. 2023
Gas and Mileage Reimbursement - ALERT
GINA - Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 - ALERT
Governors Award for Safety Excellence - ALERT
GPS Fleet Tracking - ALERT
Harassment Prevention Training - Non-Supervisors
Harassment Prevention Training - Supervisors
Health Insurance - ALERT OVERVIEW
Health Insurance - NOTICE - CHIP Model Notice
Hiring Bonus Form
Hiring in Pennsylvania - ALERT
Hiring to Termination of Employment Checklists - Non-URL Sample
Holiday Practices and Liabilities - ALERT
Home Health Care - New Pay Requirements - ALERT
Homeland Security Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards - ALERT
Human Resource Information System (HRIS) - ALERT
Human Resource, Safety & Health Training - ALERT
Human Resources and Health and Safety ALERT - 10-10-2024
I-9 Immigration Employment Eligibility Verification - English
I-9 Immigration Employment Eligibility Verification - Spanish
Independent Contractor Agreement
Injured Employee Materials - Rights and Duties
Internal Referral Program Policy Form
ISNetworld - ALERT
Leave of Absence Letter